Jigx 2023.9 is now available

Jigx 2023.9 includes bug fixes in the mobile app, components, Jigx management, and Jigx builder.

Mobile Apps -Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the login email input field keyboard type

Components -Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with component.dropdown values not displaying correctly
  • Fixed issues with component.expander alignments
  • Fixed an issue with component.webview not clearing the complete cache when signing out
  • Fixed an issue with the rendering of sections on tablets
  • Fixed an issue with lonpress and alignment of expanders in popups on iOS

Jigx Builder -Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where REST calls did not show in Jigx Logs
  • Fixed an issue with EXECUTE messages in Jigx Logs that did not include any metadata
  • Fixed an issue with validation incorrectly underlining valid providers

Jigx Management -Bug Fixes

  • General improvements and bug fixes

Breaking change
The text property in component.avatar has changed to title. You must manually update your YAML to reflect the change and republish your project. Note that when using an avatar within the leftElement the text property must still be used.

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