Jigx 2024.3 is now available

Jigx 2024.3 includes bug fixes in the mobile app and improvements in Management. See the details below:

Mobile Apps

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where an expression could not be used in the title property of the component.section.

  • Fixed bar charts where the bar was visually pushed up when specifying points outside the minimum and maximum range.

  • When public content in management was configured to enable the Request Access link, clicking on any of the widgets on a tablet (IOS and Android) gave a screen not found error.

  • Fixed an issue with the onPress event of swipeable actions that were not triggered if a list was set to initiallyCollapsed: true.

Known Issue

  • When a jig.list re-renders, e.g., after a list item is deleted, and the jig.list property initiallyCollapsed: true is set, the list appears blank. Workaround: Avoid using the initiallyCollapsed: true property in this scenario. Collapsing and expanding the list or navigating away from the jig and back will render the list items again.


New Features & improvements

  • Improved the setting up of public content on an organizational level for branded apps. The improvements include JSON and YAML tabs that allow you to toggle between the files, ensuring that the JSON and YAML values are validated. Validation messages are shown to help you troubleshoot errors. See Public Content for more information.

  • Find solutions faster - The solution search field on the list of solutions now supports the GUID and partial name/title.

To see the full list of bug fixes, and improvements in Jigx 2024.3 see the release notes .

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